My Newborn Must Haves
I have a 12 week old!
I can’t believe it! Now that we have hit 12 weeks and we’re coming out of the newborn phase I thought I’d share some of my favorite products that we have used so far.
Did you know that newborns can play? Yes! They can! I’m even going to throw in some newborn toys!
As an Amazon Affiliate I earn from qualifying purchases. I am not claiming these items to be the best and/or safest. All items listed have been used in my household and I have enjoyed using them.
1.Baby Delight Beside Me Dreamer Bassinet & Bedside Sleeper
Penny currently sleeps in the Baby Delight Beside Me Dreamer bassinet. It looks like it is currently $30 off! I love this bassinet as the side folds down and you can pull it straight up to the bed. It even attaches underneath the mattress as a safety precaution. This bassinet has been so nice because I can see her so well and I don’t have to get out of bed to pick her up or lay her down. I also like it because I can lay next to her while I help her go down for a nap. This is so helpful as bending over the side was hurting my back so much! I just wish it hadn’t taken me two months to figure that one out!
2. Chicco LullaGo Portable Bassinet
We just went on a weekend trip and used the Chicco Lullago Portable Bassinet. It appears like the linked bassinet is an updated version from the one we have. It was so handy because the legs come off, it folds in half, and has a tote that everything goes in. It travels and stores so easily! Penny did not even seem to notice that she was in a different bed so I consider that a huge win! We also used this bassinet in the living room the first week or so after she was born. Since I had a C-section this was helpful as we already had the more stationary bassinet set up next to the bed but the couch was easier to get up and down from.
3. Boppy
I looovvveee the boppy pillow! It really has endless uses! It’s so helpful when feeding because I didn't realize how heavy 5-10 pounds is until I tried to hold it without moving for up to 30 minutes! As Penny got older I used it to prop her up some so she can look around and I have even started putting her on her belly for tummy time to really strengthen her core! ![](
I know we will continue to use the Boppy as she gets older. She just started rolling from tummy to her back so she will probably be having most of her tummy time on the Boppy so that she will stay on her tummy. It will also be a great prop when she starts sitting up!
4. Fisher Price Fawn Meadows Deluxe Cradle 'n Swing
Penny uses the Fisher Price Deluxe Cradle 'n Swing. The swing listed is an updated version and is also currently on sale! This Swing has two motions which was so nice when she was super small because her head would rock back and forth one direction but would not the other. Sometimes when I need to get stuff done and she won’t sleep in the bassinet I can put her in the swing and she will stay asleep more often than not. We recently started putting her in it for an awake time activity. She has a good time talking to her friends on the mobile and listening to the nature noises! We only just realized a few weeks ago that it vibrates and she seems to really enjoy that!
5. Fisher Price Fawn Meadows Deluxe Bouncer
The bouncer seat we have for Penny is the Fisher Price Deluxe Bouncer. We love this because she can be propped up just enough so that she can see whats going on, but she is still fully supported. She seems to be really happy with the way she is able to kick her legs and bounce herself! We also enjoy using the vibration function on this piece of equipment as well. I also like how easily I can carry it into a different room and have somewhere to put her down.
6. Fisher Price 4 in 1 Sing 'n Seat Tub
We use the 4 in 1 Sling 'n Seat bathtub for Penny and like it a lot. She enjoys being propped up just enough but still being in the water. Our sink is not divided so it fits nicely in our sink. If you have a divided sink it is designed to sit on the divider and the counter. I chose this tub because we can use it for a while as she grows since the sling can be removed to reveal the seat. Then once she no longer needs the seat she can sit in the full tub before being ready for the actual bathtub. I also like this bathtub because it comes with a scoop that drains to get baby wet and a squeeze bottle for rinsing.
7. Yogasleep Dohm (White/Gray) The Original White Noise Machine
Did you know that babies long for the womb for awhile after they are born? White noise helps Penny sleep so much better than when it is quiet. We went through several sound machines before finally finding this one. The Yogasleep Dohm is far superior as it is noise from an actual fan instead of a sound played on a loop. I did not realize how aggravating that would be until I listed to the options that were just sounds. We still have a portable bluetooth speaker that attaches to the carseat for travel and it works well for that purpose.
8. 3 Tier Cart
The three tier cart we use makes life so much easier. It typically stays next to our rocking chair but can be moved anywhere in the house as it is on wheels. I keep everything on it. Extra clothes, blankets, and burp rags on the bottom shelf. My breast pump, bibs, and a grooming kit stay on the middle shelf. On the top shelf I keep an in use burp rag, water bottle, haaka breast pump, and prenatal vitamins so that everything is easy to reach.
9. Tiny Love Gymini
Penny loves using the Tiny Love Gymini play mat — when in the right mood! I appreciate that the toys that are attached to the arches can be moved up and down. I like to prop the attached mirror so that Penny can look at herself while playing or having tummy time. The mat also has flaps on attached that crinkle and make baby happy and parents scared as it sounds like plastic bags being crinkled!
10. Baby Einstein Flip for Art
I think that this is the coolest newborn toy ever! It is perfect because it has a mirror on one side and an art book attaches to it. The art book has high contrast pictures on one side of each page that Penny can look at forever it seems and colorful pictures on the other side. I like to put this next to her when she is playing on her play mat and especially when she is having tummy time. This toy encourages her to keep her head up so that she is strengthening her neck and core!
I hope that you find this list helpful and you'll use it for baby shower gift inspiration and share it with a new parent! Is there anything you think should be added to this list? This is only baby number one after all!
Now if you will excuse me I need to go mourn the newborn phase for awhile!
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